Tuesday, September 28, 2010

SAP & IBM Hiring 2010 pass out freshers.

Location: Bangalore


1) BE/Btech / MCA (Regular) graduates with 70% and above in 10th,12th and B.E / MCA (Regular) 2010 batch only.

2) Candidates should have very good programming skills and analytical skills.


1) Candidates who have attended the interview with SAP within last 6

months, Dont send your profiles.

2) If you dont have 70% and above in 10th, 12th, BE or MCA (Regular), Dont

send your profiles.

How to apply: Please send the latest profile to

with the below details:

10th percentage

12th Percentage

Graduation Percentage

Post Graduation Percentage

Do you have any Offer in Hand

If Yes what is the Joining Date

Did you take any interview with SAP within last 6 months:

Current Location



Hi All,

 IBM is hiring freshers. Find below the details and apply for it. You need to send your profile to gbsdrive@in.ibm.com

 Last date to apply is 27th Sept 2010. So Apply ASAP.

Eligibility Criteria:

B.Tech/M.Tech (All Branches), MCA

Passout Year

2009 Or 2010 Passouts

Cutoff % for BE / BTECH

Xth & XIIth - 65%  (All previous Examinations)

Degree  - 70%  ( For Maharastra  University . It will be 65 % and Above  and for all other Universities it would remain 70 % and above )

Cutoff % for ME/MTECH/MCA

Xth & XIIth, Degree  - 65% (All previous Examinations)

Post Graduation - 70% ( For Maharastra  University . It will be 65 % and Above  and for all other Universities it would remain 70 % and above )

Minimum years of education required: 16 years +

To Appy, send mail to - gbsdrive@in.ibm.comThe Subject Line should read as mentioned below

/ / / / <10th %> / <12th %> / /  

Eg. 1.  Abhishek / 2010 / BTech / IT / 67% / 69% / 71% / NA / Bangalore

Eg. 2. Suneetha  / 2009 / MCA / NA / 70% / 65% / 70% / 73% / Kolkata

Date:  20th Sept  to  27th Sept 2010

Note :

All relevant profiles must be sent only to the mentioned email address

Only shortlisted candidates would be called for the interview.

If you have more than 1 profile kindly attach it to the same email in a ZIP folder . As it would avoid the flooding

of emails .

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